st antony IC school
Tuition and Fees

Below you will find the tuition schedule for the 2019-2020 school year, along with the guidelines for participating and non-participating families.

The registration fee is based on the number of children a parent has enrolled at St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception School. The fees are $460 per child. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. A child is NOT registered until the fee is paid.

Participating Family

  • $6,070 for 1st child
  • $5,870 for 2nd child
  • $5,650 for 3rd child
  • $5,170 for 4th child

To be considered a participating family I agree to

  • Attend mass regularly
  • 40 service hours for two parent/guardian homes (20 hours for single parent/guardian home)
  • Raise $500 in fundraising efforts ($100 additional per extra child enrolled)
  • Attend all mandatory parent meetings, parent-teacher conferences, monthly family mass, Christmas and Spring Concert, and agree to abide by all of the school rules.

Non-Participating Family

  • $7,500 per child

To be considered non-participating family, I agree to:

  • Attend all mandatory parent meetings, parent-teacher conferences, family mass for the grade level of your child(ren), Christmas and Spring Concert, and agree to abide by all of the school rules.

Participating/Non-Participating rates will be reviewed at semester, and tuition adjustments made depending on participation/ non-participation at that point. A report of service hours and fundraising will be sent with student at the end of each quarter. By mid-year, approximately half of obligations should be complete.

Financial Aid Sources*
BASIC Fund – fill out completely and return to the school office along with all necessary documents.
Archdiocese of San Francisco – submit application online at
School Based Tuition Assistance – submit application online at (You only need to submit the application once for both the Archiocese and the school. Please make sure that you identify St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception School as your school of choice so we receive the application.)

*Income tax returns are required for all financial aid applications.