Welcome to St. James


Welcome to St. James Catholic School!  Thank you for taking a moment to learn more about our great school. St. James has been a San Francisco school for a hundred years.  St. James has been a good neighbor and companion to generations of San Franciscans. From inception, our pillars of Study, Prayer, Community and Service have guided us in our work.  We are grateful to and honor our ongoing relationship with the Dominican Sisters of San Jose.  

We are proud of our proven track record of preparing students for high school and beyond. We are committed to providing an educational experience that caters to the individual needs of our students as they grow to discover their special talents. We believe these gifts reveal themselves in a nurturing environment that holds students to high academic, behavioral and community expectations. Students thrive in our small classes, where they are cared for by a dedicated group of talented and experienced professional educators who utilize the latest technology and teaching tools.

Opportunities abound at St. James. Students learn valuable life lessons and the importance of community as well as develop individual skills through our sports program, Robotics teams, Choir, and Musical Drama program.  

Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.
                                                              - St. Francis of Assisi

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.
                                                              - St. Catherine of Siena

Prayer is a reflective process in which we give thanks for what we have, ask for what we need and discern what we need to work on within ourselves to be better for others. Our Catholic faith is a shared understanding that we are all in this together. We believe Jesus sacrificed for us and we emulate this love. We show our love for one another through empathy and understanding. Parents understand as much as anyone that having someone to lean on at times, is a blessing.

We are a  community filled with gratitude for one another and the gifts we share.  As such, we are an inclusive community, believing that we are stronger
together. As an adult community we set this example of camaraderie for our children. They see this in how parents come to volunteer at events like the Walk-A-Thon or Halloween Carnival. They see this when parents visit their classroom and chaperone field trips. Our children see how we make community meaningful.

Community & Service
Our students’ futures are at the center of all that we do. As such, our community focuses on family. No matter 

what, a child thrives
when she knows she is loved. This is our foundation, the rock from which we build around each of our students. Our 8th graders leave having a strong faith in their community, friends and themselves. They are ready to share their budding gifts they’ve discovered in their time at St. James.

I hope this gives you the sense of family and care we nurture through our professional practice of teaching. I am very proud of our little school and the big impact we have in the lives of our students and their families.  
I invite you to visit and see for yourself how St. James can elevate your child to her highest potential.

Mr. Alex Endo

St. James Catholic School

321 Fair Oaks Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Main: (415) 647-8972
Fax: (415) 647-0166
Email: office@SaintJamesSF.org

Tax ID : 94-2964847 

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© 2018 St. James Catholic School