Our Lady of Loretto Religious Education
Registration Form 2018-19
Welcome to the 2018-2019 Online Registration Process!

Welcome to Our Lady of Loretto Religious Education!
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We look forward to growing in faith with the children and teens of our parish in the 2018/19 school year!
Please click "GO" below and follow the prompts to register your children.
New Family Registration Form 2018-19 GO
Please mark your calendars for the following dates & further information will be mailed to you.
September 10 - Middle school parent meeting, 7pm, OLL Hall
September 11 - High school parent meeting, 7pm, OLL Hall
September 16 - Opening Mass for all families, 10am, OLL Church
If you have any questions regarding Grades 1-6, please contact: Amy Reeder amy@ollnovato.org or (415) 897-6714.
If you have any questions regarding Grades 7-12, please contact: Annie Troy annie@ollnovato.org or (415) 897-2171.