Curriculum Content View


Updated on Sep 12, 2018 06:15 AM


Our Kindergarten through 3rd grade technology curriculum focuses on basic computer use. The students utilize several programs that reinforce classroom concepts while also allowing them to practice their basic motor skills at operating the keyboard and mouse. Computer-based programs such as Didi and Ditto, as well as online sites such as Starfall and Mathletics accomplish this.

Our 3rd through 5th grade technology curriculum introduces the students to word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software. Third and fourth grade also receive computer class twice each week as we utilize Type to Learn to teach basic keyboarding skills. Students are introduced in a more formal manner by completing the online course “Welcome to the Web”.


Our 6th through 8th grade technology curriculum continues to build on the basics as they continue to make presentations, written reports and other projects. Computer class now focuses on some of the other technologies available with the Apple iLife suite; GarageBand, iMovie, and iPhoto.

 As our students mature in their use of various software progra ms, they are presented with the choice of which program to utilie to demonstrate their learning. This practice allows them to strengthen problem solving skills and built their ability to "learn how to learn" software.

Enrichment activities that allow students to pursue their interest in learning and applying technology include

Lego Robotics and First Lego League